Intestinal Yeast My OBGYN Found No Trace Of A Vaginal Yeast Infection.can I Still Have An Intestinal Yeast Infection?

My OBGYN found no trace of a vaginal yeast infection.can i still have an intestinal yeast infection? - intestinal yeast

I thought I had a yeast infection a few months and have used Monistat 3 a.m. to 7 p.m. for my itching and discharge, but the itch never left. I have also Lactobacillus acidophilus tablets for one or two months before taking azo yeast tablets, but now I'm back from the acidophilus, I said stop colors.

Cuz I went to the ER suffering from stomach pain and gas, but the doctor saw no visible signs of yeast, but gave me a dose of Diflucan once (if ever) until I made an appointment with a gynecologist.

I suffered from other symptoms, suggesting that last week I had an intestinal infection, such as gas, cramping, abdominal pain, itching of the rectum, and had diarrhea once or twice a week. Cons diflucan pill into a strong, rotating and relaxed insect bites, but not all. I have the date for gynecologists and sees no yeast. I thought it would suffer from symptoms of death have recently been on a diet before symptoms of intestinal yeast infection. \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ U0026lt;br>
I'm really, what happened, and even ordered Threelac did yesterday evening just in case I confused an intestinal infection. I also started a little water fast today and I'll try for 4 days continue to weaken the yeast in your case.


Anonymous said...

Well, this might just cramps? You can return your doc and tell him all the symptoms you are experiencing. In this way we know exactly what you felt.

Anonymous said...

Who knows? Have you been tested for a bladder infection, diverticulitis, ulcer, or a number of other things?
Stop eating all dairy products and whole grain bread for a week and see if cause stomach cramps and diarrhea.
I suffered from cramps, diarrhea for more than 40 years before leaving milk. I also have diverticulitis, which runs in my family. This year, after a Malay as a friend suggested that he does not eat wheat products. I cut wheat (brown) bread and cereals. I have never felt so good. Now I know what I can not eat.
Always consult your doctor first, but can not hurt to try, and you can feel better.
Also the use of toilet paper. Charmin annoy me, and I was bleeding. I've just north use or Angel Soft. Wash all your clothes or other unscented detergent and rinse twice. Perhaps these tips will help is. Best wishes.

Anonymous said...

go to your internist. could be Crohn's disease. to try to stop their own treatment

Anonymous said...

, Suggesting that you know better than a specialist? I hope not.

Anonymous said...

go to your internist. could be Crohn's disease. to try to stop their own treatment

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