Does Period Look Like What Does Your First Period Look Like?

What does your first period look like? - does period look like

I have brown liquid - and the discharge, but no red dye, not all, in fact, the edges yellow. I was like that for 4 days.

Is this your first time? Or something like diarrhea?

I am 14 years ... I am very small and I pray that this does not, I'm not ready!


ӄατεřγηα... said...

UR is the first time brown discharge. Do not worry, your fine, you just put a tampon / pad and everything will be alright. and say that ur mom. Be ready.

Nina said...

I felt as if I mean. I do not go at all and was a shock when I saw blood in my underwear. You'lll agree with him. Unlike books, there are people I really wanted to know who her period. It takes a little getting used to, but really not so bad, especially when to use tampons. (I recommend)

My first time was brown / red on the first day, then became very difficult. It was very red for the rest of the time. , The lasted about 14 days and was very difficult. ... as a launching pad, and blood on the floor is the sort of thing. It was awful.
But it was quite normal in the next month. Do not give me that often terrible cramps. I had one years, maybe not ... Once or twice cramps kept me from doing anything. And even then I could not bear, and a very good coffee at breakfast, which was in force. .... so that the coffee was actually very good
But anyway, I actually got mine at the moment and it seems a little diarrhea. ew thats really gRoss. But, sorry, but it's likely that your period. Could it be that you all the time, or get serious.

There is also the possibility that MIGH just broken her hymen sports or something. I want to wait. If it turns red, you know that you your period. If you are early or red, i wouldnt count as a period.
Note the irregular intervals for 2 or 3 years time, which means that do not always come every month or even could do twice a month.

Good luck! And do not worry, its not that bad.

Amanda A said...

Mine was like Brown
and I was really scared cuz I thought that arose in me, but it served as an odor

but there is so much brown and slightly moist
Yu But just the feeling that things just rub themselves against flooding

Amanda A said...

Mine was like Brown
and I was really scared cuz I thought that arose in me, but it served as an odor

but there is so much brown and slightly moist
Yu But just the feeling that things just rub themselves against flooding

uno said...

Congratulations! This is your first period. In general, (brown for the first time, although mine was red / pink).

Menstruate is not important, not prepared to do mch lol.
Let your mom know that you and help:)

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