Do prostitutes where anklets? - anklets and prostitutes
Prostitutes are women and most women wear what they want ... However, a prostitute from the street may be less likely to use a large amount of jewelry as a whole, unless it was of little value.
I wear socks ... Are you calling me a bitch? LOL
Anklets And Prostitutes Do Prostitutes Where Anklets?
11:18 AM
I suppose if they wanted.
Why would you want to know.
If this is a professional female. probably not
Planning a scene from Pretty Woman to do.
If so, it is a good thing to do, but be careful.
Yes, if they wanted if they did not, they wouldnt! :)
Wear not where.
Oh, do not ask why you? There is no common prostitute
Prostitutes are like everyone else. Choose to be what they want and what they want .. Use strippers as much as I use I use girls or girls in high school mall to see ..
or why do you ask? tprostitutes people like us who decide what they want to use are
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